Thowback 2016. I looooooove these pictures!
My wife has a slight obsession with monsters. Whenever there is a monster in a movie. For example, a dragon just burnt up an entire village or the Alien just chew off someone's face, my wife says in a very cute, childlike way;
"Oh they are cute! I need one! They don't want to hurt anyone. They are just hurt. Maybe their tummy hurts."
She just loves monsters. And I love this in her! In a sweet twisted way, she is right. Monsters hurt others because they got hurt too.
If there is a mean person, that person hurts others because that's the treatment he/she received in life. Likely they were abused and just simply don't know otherwise.
This obviously doesn't justify their action. Every action has and has to have a consequence. I do not promote compliant passivity!
But it gives us an option to a new, compassionate way of thinking.
And when we are compassionate we're not reactive. We can act with a warm heart and cool head.
What about our internal monsters?
They are a hurt part of us too. And in a weird way, they came into our psyche to protect us.
Let me explain.
For example, if you were constantly criticized by your parents as a child, you will grow up both being critical to others both being sensitive to criticism. Your criticizing behaviour (that your parents thought you very well), will be your bulletproof way to avoid criticism.
Simple. Just turn the lightning rick back.
"BAM! It's your fault!"
In this story, the criticism is there to protect you from the battering feeling of being criticised. And my wife was right again. In a weird way, your monster has a good intention. It wants to protect you.
Why is this important???
Because we can't heal a monster (who's tummy hurts) before we would acknowledge it.
For example, if you're a serial procrastinator, when did it work to batter yourself into "doing the stuff"? NEVER, right?
The reason monsters stay in your life is because you keep running away from them. That's how monsters work. Even in dreams. You run, they chase! Cute!
Breathe and be present.
You have to be with your monsters. They really need understanding! When you truly love your enemies, you cannot help but start to love them. And when you start to love your enemies, you're in the driving seat.
Now you're not reactive.
Now you understand.
Now you have a choice.
Now you can act with a warm heart and a cool head.
I found that monsters do not necessarily disappear when you stop running. They like to hang around! But they will stop bothering you as much and you'll be able to do more often what you want. That's how monsters work!
So, the next time a monster shows up in your life, remember the wise words:
"They don't want to hurt anyone. They are just hurt. Maybe their tummy hurts."
From the bottom of my heart,
#innerpeace #innerchildhealing #innerdemons #healingjourney #mentalhealth #loveyourselffirst #selfcare